July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Currently reading The Count of Monte Cristo for the first time. The only experience I have with the story is the movie that came out in 2002, which I enjoyed.

    So far I’ve enjoyed the book, even if it is a little hard for me to read (1844 French translated to English is not as smooth as Project Hail Mary lol). However I’m about 3 or 4 chapters into Franz’s story and I’m getting really discouraged. It’s so boring now. Obviously there has to be a reason why we are investing so much time into this character, but he’s so uninteresting and there is zero connection with him. Yes I can see that Edmond keeps popping up and that’s supposed to make it more interesting, but it’s just not holding my attention. And the whole drug-induced dream sequence, what was that about? I’m really hoping we get back to Edmond’s POV soon. I started out excited about this book and now it’s beginning to feel like a chore.

    by Human-Magic-Marker


    1. I highly recommend you try the Robin Buss translation through Penguin publishing. It is a more modern translation and is waaay easier to read!

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