July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hey folks, I was watching some videos of Neil deGrasse Tyson and the topic “Gregorian calendar” and i was really intrigued on how accurate it was made and how a non leap year is not exactly 365days, i dug more into the topic that ended up me doing the calculations from scratch and verifying how leap years work, and then realised that Gregorian calendar is still not perfect and a day is extra roughly every 3200 years, and now I wanna know more!!

    [ik this is already known to everyone but is very new to me]

    I am a 18year old and never got such detailed information while schooling, I am writing this to ask for a suggestion of a book that would precisely discuss all the story behind making of the “Gregorian calendar” I would love if it includes the precise calculations aswell.

    Thank you 🙂

    by Hellya_dude

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