September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I have a daughter who’s around preschool age (3) and she has been looking at a very old illustrated bible for children my parents had given her. She loves the detailed pictures, but complained that there weren’t enough pictures of girls. The reason my post title reads as it does is she specifically wants a book with pictures of girls. We’re not a religious family, so it doesn’t have to be another bible. Besides, the book they gave use has some images connected to stories I’d rather not read her at this point. Anything is ok as long as it’s age appropriate. Ideally it would be something we’d keep for many years, so price isn’t a concern. We’d just like something that’s beautiful to look at. Bonus if it’s on the longer side. This one is around 200 pages. English language preferred. Thank you!

    by bonjourpants

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