September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’ve never been a big audiobook reader but have lately gotten back into crafting and am interested in some books to listen to while I relax.

    I’m looking for something on the cozy side. For me, this can mean a few things:

    1. The book itself is cozy. (I’m pretty liberal with my definition of “cozy.” If you find it cozy, I probably will too.)


    2. The audiobook production is immersive enough to feel like you’re enveloped in a story.

    Books I’ve read I know are often rec’d as cozy:

    – Legends and Lattes

    – The Hobbit

    – Jane Austen

    – Anne of Green Gables

    – The Princess Bride

    – Howl’s Moving Castle

    by brittanydiesattheend


    1. anxiousanimosity on

      T.Kingfisger has a book I’m listening to right now to chill the hell out. It’s called Bryony and Roses. It’s read in an incredibly cozy manner with a cozy setting.

    2. RustyTheLionheart on

      I think I’d classify The Last Unicorn as cozy-ish. Peter S. Beagle’s writing is so beguiling it’s like reading a dream, and the stakes aren’t *so* high that your heart is gonna hammer out of your chest with anticipation and fear for the main characters.

    3. Smooth-Review-2614 on

      If you don’t mind children’s books the full cast Redwall series. They are amazing, homey, and so predictable. You know going in the good guys will win, the bad ones will lose, and at worst a second string character will die.

    4. **A Psalm for the Wild-Built** by Becky Chambers
      A pair of unlikely friends with a bicycle-powered mobile tiny house travel a world in which people are nice to each other.
      I loved the audiobook so much I wrote a thank you email to the narrator.

      **The Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches** by Sangu Mandanna
      A young witch moves into the coziest of houses by the sea to take care of witch children; chaos and romance ensue.
      The audiobook is fun.

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