September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hey y’all, I’m in a couple of book clubs with folks, and I’m looking for some ways to spice up our discussions. In general, these are book clubs with people who are committed to reading and to showing up, and generally interested in discussing the book, rather than just hanging out, so I’m not looking for organizational or logistical advice. Rather, I’m looking for fun discussion questions, discussion formats, or interesting activities to make our book club meetings fun.

    An example of what I mean is using categories (à la The Rewatchables movie podcast) to guide our discussion. Things like:

    * Most memorable scene
    * Best supporting character
    * Best quote
    * Nitpicks
    * Unanswerable questions

    Has your group done anything like that? If you’ve got any fun reusable questions/activities/discussion starters, let me know!

    by CaptainLeebeard

    1 Comment

    1. Who won the book? (What author, concept, story, character etc “won the books”)

      For example obviously the biggest winner of metamorphosis by Franz Kaftka was the concept of refusing to honour your late friends wishes and instead publish his collected writings instead.

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