September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I read a post the other day where a new condo buyer just stopped paying the mortgage, and when the seller went to check on the place everything is still there but the guy is gone. I find the mistery super fascinating and want to find a book with a similar plot.

    So, I’m looking for a book that involves solving a misterious disappearance of someone where they seem to just disappear off the face of the earth.
    Similar to the story mentioned above, I’m looking specifically for a case where the nature of the disappearance itself – whether it involves foulplay, suicide, or intentional disappearance – is also unknown and is part of the mistery. Bonus point for creapy/ unsettling atmosphere. Can be nonfiction or fiction but no unsolve case please.
    Thank you for any rex!

    by browneye54

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