Hi everyone, I’m looking for a book that will help me organize myself a little better at university because now I work part time and it’s hard for me to keep up with the subjects.
Do you have any recommendations?
A friend recommended a book by Stephen R. Covey on the 7 Habits of the Most Effective People, I bought it and it arrived in a week.
by BurningAbyss2023
How to Not Always Be Working by Marlee Grace, especially helpful if you’re a creative
I’d skip 7 Habits and all other self-help books- these type of books can become another a form of procrastination, albeit one which superficially makes us seem like we are taking action
I’d recommend writing out some ideas of how you can be more organised and disciplined and get started right away- some examples might be:
1) Writing a to-do list every morning (or the night before)
2) Write down unhelpful/ unproductive times in your day you could eliminate. A lot of people who love to shout from the rooftops how busy they are find time to aimlessly scroll social media for a couple of hours every day
3) Schedule exercise/ fitness- building discipline here will likely crossover into other areas of your life
4) Identify things that might be slowing you down. Let’s face it, a lot of university students would be more productive if they weren’t nursing a hangover every other morning or smoking weed all the time etc (not saying this is necessarily you)
Good luck 🙂