September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I was looking for a new sci-fi series having finished most of the big names (Dune, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep, Forever War, etc) Then, I stumbled on the Hyperion cantos.

    It’s hard to explain its appeal. It feels like the first sci-fi book I’ve enjoyed that rests at the intersection of a relatable today, and glimpsing a far-off tomorrow. I love the Dune series, for example, but I struggled to visualize how humanity would arrive to that particular fantasy setting. This in no way reduces the quality of storytelling or my enjoyment. but definitely impacts the overall verisimilitude of the world.

    In Hyperion’s case, however— Music is played on pianos and not some obscure sci-fi instrument. People drink and eat familiar foods rather than neon-colored “Glee-glorp.” The story, itself, involves relatable characters as though it were our world just centuries into the future. All while injecting some excellent science fiction concepts and visual storytelling.

    While I’ve yet to read further into the series, I am excited to experience more, and curious if there are any other fans with thoughts on the subject.

    by EscapeScottFree


    1. This book is 35 years old at this point. It is difficult to discuss something that was already discussed about so much in the past.

    2. You haven’t been looking hard enough, OP. Hyperion pops up quite regularly on this – and other – subs. 🙂

    3. While I think it’s a great book, it is also 35 years old and part of a genre where popular tastes are moving away from novels which have literary aspirations. Also Simmons is a big asshole.

    4. DreadnaughtHamster on

      Hey, don’t knock glee-glorp—that stuff is delicious when served with some Atlantean skri’souffle.

    5. The first time I read it, I was like “Oh my f..king God! Why didn’t I read it earlier?”

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