July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Does anybody have recommendations for historical-fiction books they have enjoyed, which are focused on medieval Wales?
    I appreciate ‘medieval’ can cover a broad timeframe. I’m leaning towards anything up until around the time of Edward I followed by Wales becoming a principality in 1284.
    Thank you!

    by thepoorestmaninqarth


    1. A little bit later, William Owen Roberts, *Pestilence* (*Y Pla* in the original Welsh). Set during the Black Death and rather ghoulish.

    2. Here Be Dragons by Sharon Kay Penman. The story involves the politics of 13th-century Wales and England. It is about Welsh nationalist hero, Prince Llewelyn Ap Iowerth, who united Wales, and faced up to the corrupt and vicious King John of England I enjoyed it very much.

    3. SpedeThePlough on

      The Brother Cadfael books are set in Shrewsbury, a few miles away from Wales. 12th century. Ellis Peters.

    4. The Brother Cadfael books cover Shrewsbury and the surrounding area. The protagonist is a Welshman who has various interactions on both sides of the border.

      In at least one book, Welsh law (and how it differs from English law of the same date) is a plot point.

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