July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hey, I just was wondering whether or not there are any books you can suggest to me where the MC Is a deity/god? I want a POV from either a newly born god, or one that’s been around for eons and is just impartially observing/interacting with the world it created or oversees, possibly along with other gods, and perhaps they get involved with immortal/mortal affairs. Like the Origin Deity Ethereal from Ethereal Creator Of Realms? I really liked the way it presented an all-powerful being who actually acts like somewhat of an all-powerful being and not like an angsty Xianxia teen. Last Flight of the Raven is good as well, and Way of Heaven is a fun romp, as well as Overseer. None of these are complete(Ethereal Creator of Realms is now “Breath of Creation”, and is on infinite hiatus), and all update pretty slowly, but so far they’re unmatched in my opinion compared to other novels with similar premises. I didn’t really like Low Dimensional Game and Shepherding Humanity because although they start good and have a good premise they kind of go off point and just don’t live up to my expectations from their synopses. So, does anyone have any no-harem no-ecchi stuff that fits my descriptors?

    by Dr_Waffles_PHD


    1. -GrouchyOkra- on

      The _Inheritance Trilogy_ by N. K. Jemisin

      It’s got a world of intermingling gods, mortals, and demons, and this intermingling is explored very well. It’s quite unique in that the gods don’t survive/thrive on mortals’ devotion, instead it’s plain, simple fun for them. Each book in the trilogy has a different narrator, so by the end you get a comprehensive and satisfying look into their world.

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