July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Recently finished reading a Little Life and honestly I do have mixed opinions on it. But one thing for sure I will always think about these characters.
    I know this can be seen as trauma p*rn but I also think who are we to decide what someone else’s trauma is too much?
    It is devastating, but at the same time I did enjoy reading about each character especially the 4 guys and their friendship. I am happy Jude got to experience such a loving friendship (expect JB did piss me off a lot)
    and how I love Harold’s and Julia’s immense love for their sweet Jude.
    I wouldn’t say it’s the perfect book but it has it’s moments where it makes you look at your own life and be grateful and try to be as kind to others because we all have a story. We all are navigating our own little life.

    by cancermooncowgirl

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