Looking for books that are similar to The God Delusion
Any books written by philosophers, like Sam Harris, or scientists, like Steven Jay Gould would be appreciated. I want to keep learning about the abuses of religion and why it is detrimental to societal and personal life.
Ah, you want “God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything” by Christopher Hitchens.
onceuponalilykiss on
Try reading Zizek (*How to Read Lacan* is a nice starter) for more nuanced takes on religion that won’t leave you like a stereotypical internet atheist.
Ah, you want “God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything” by Christopher Hitchens.
Try reading Zizek (*How to Read Lacan* is a nice starter) for more nuanced takes on religion that won’t leave you like a stereotypical internet atheist.