October 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Just finished the Shining after about 30 years of putting it off, never having watched the movie either. I’m 48M, served in the military, 20 years in law enforcement, I’ve been through some things, and this is the first time any piece of media/content has given me nightmares.

    The slowly mounting dread seeps into the readers subconscious all the while maintaining a compelling story line. There wasn’t a dull page to be found.

    Stephen King is truly a brilliant individual, master of the human condition and clearly in touch with the sinister elements that drive our nightmares.

    by pensivepliskin


    1. I was so scared of going into bathrooms (ones with bathtubs, anyway) in the dark after reading that book. I liked the book a lot more than the movie – they’re pretty different from each other.

    2. The Shining was the only book I didn’t finish because it frightened me to the point of nightmares. It took me 10 years to work up the courage to pick the book up again. The movie has nothing on the atmosphere and insidious, creeping dread of the book.

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