September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’m not a huge reader so I’m looking for some books to get me back into it again. I’m not too picky about the genre so I’ll take whatever recommendations you have!

    by be-mad-start-a-fad


    1. Gusenica_koja_pushi on

      Any book by Bill Bryson. My favorites are At home and Short history of nearly everything.

    2. Christie’s “Miss Marple” series! I found the series of separate stories fun and easy to go along with. After I blasted through the series, I started reading regularly again.

    3. The Midnight Library by Matt Haig. Quick, engaging read. Thought provoking plot. It will leave you feeling accomplished for reading a book, and it will leave you with things to chat about with friends and family. Check it out.

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