July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    \[EU\]I am looking into buying an e-reader that has the following things going for it:

    * **Adjustable brightness** settings that are able to provide reading outside in the summer as well as inside at night without hurting the eyes, so very light to very dim basically.
    * Supports **audio and e-books**.
    * Preferably something **lightweight**.
    * Can process .epub files and doesn’t require an account for amazon or anything like that

    Is there any e-book that can display an e-book and also play audio simultaneously or is that not really a thing for e-books anyways?

    Ideally I would like to be able to open a book on the reader, start the audio file somehow and just scroll along with it. If not, then something that could do both but not simultaneous would be best 🙂

    by Bwoah223


    1. Definitely look into Kobo. I have the Clara 2E which has audiobook functionality, I don’t use it though so you would have to work out the details.

    2. My local library only has kobo compatible ebooks. Most of the ereaders are comparable in functionality and ease of use. Check with your local library because that made the answer easy for me.

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