July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Suggest to me a book/story that has cosmic horror, that is not Lovecraft. I love huge concepts, I love stories where the universe ends, and I would love for it to make me feel tiny and inconsequential, please!

    Edit: Thank you all so much, these are great recs!

    by Possible_Comfort4792


    1. tim_to_tourach on

      Meddling Kids by Edgar Cantero is basically cosmic horror Scooby-Doo. It follows a Scooby-Doo like troupe who disbanded over an investigation that ended traumatically coming back together as adults to reopen the case. It’s not quite as full of existential anxiety compared to most cosmic horror type stuff but it’s still there. Fun book. Easy, light read. Highly recommend.

    2. If you like some pitch-dark humor and rust-belt poverty mixed in with your existential dread, the “John Dies at the End” series is extraordinary.

      You get “potential destruction of earth” and “I’m too depressed to pick up my antidepressants” as important plot points.

    3. Ghostofthe80s on

      Hyperion – Dan Simmons

      Illium/Olympus – Dan Simmons

      I’m going more with deep concept, immersive ‘horror’ at the terrifying possibilities in the unknown universe.

    4. I thought the Reality Dysfunction was great as horror. The series loses that and turns into SF as it continues but that first book I remember feeling very cosmically creeped out.

    5. DucktorQuackvorkian on

      The Expanse series by James S A Corey. Heavy on the sci part of sci fi but has some horror elements, too.

    6. Ok-Refrigerator on

      anything by Tim Powers, but especially Alternate Routes or The Stress of Her Regard. Lots of ominous vibes of things just on the other side of the veil.

    7. Routine-Focus-9429 on

      I think a bunch of Octavia Butler’s novels and short stories would work for this.

    8. Ascension by Nicholas Binge. Definitely makes you feel small and inconsequential and if anything is worth it after you get to the conclusion

    9. OhSoManyQuestions on

      Ah haaaa, I JUST finished the perfect book for this! Predates Lovecraft actually. The House On The Borderland, by William Hope Hodgson. My new absolute favourite cosmic horror. Hits your request 100% perfectly.

    10. NK Jemisin’s books The City We Became and The World We Make deal with cosmic horror.

      Victor Lavalle’s The Ballad of Black Tom is a retelling of “The Horror at Red Hook” and it’s Lovecraft but definitely not Lovecraft if you catch my drift.

    11. The repairman Jack series are my favorite books of all time. As the series evolves it gets much more cosmic horrorish with the main character Jack unwillingly thrust into the middle of this cosmic war.

    12. PsychopompousEnigma on

      The Ballad of Black Tom by Victor LaValle. Novella retelling of The Horror at Red Hook from the perspective of a black protagonist.

      Revelation Space by Alastair Reynolds. Space opera about cosmic-scale mysteries, ancient civilizations, and the incomprehensible vastness of space.

      Roadside Picnic by Arkady and Boris Strugatsky. Classic Soviet science fiction about the aftermath of extraterrestrial visitation.

    13. People have mentioned “The Ballad of Black Tom” already, which is a great book!

      Others I’d like to recommend:

      ‘The King in Yellow’ by Robert Chambers (pred-dates Lovecraft)

      ‘Uzumaki’ by Junji Ito

      ‘My Work is Not Yet Done’ by Thomas Ligotti

      ‘Black Helicopters’ by Kaitlin Kiernan

    14. Sangdoclentine on

      Um. Algernon Blackwood? Natural moreso but spooky.

      Clark Ashton Smith had some that were similar, but different. Archaic.

      Seabury Quinn was cool too, some cosmicness to his stuff.

    15. Double-Background-64 on

      Between two fires is okay takes place on France during a war and the plague has monsters in it

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