September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hello, I just want to make sure the I have a good list and please let me know what I am missing, as I have noticed these works are the backbone of much modern literature (often quoted, etc)

    1. The Iliad and The Odyssey -HOMER
    2. The Bible (Old and New Testament)-who knows
    3. The Complete Works of William Shakespeare
    4. Paradise Lost -John Milton
    5. The Divine Comedy- Dante Alighieri

    Thank you


    by InternationalPay6024

    1 Comment

    1. boyidolikeaudiobooks on

      A few, more modern, titles to consider:

      Brothers Karamazov, Moby Dick, Les Mis, Metamorphosis, Grapes of Wrath, Gatsby, Frankenstein.

      Also the complete works of Shakespeare is an insane task and will stop you from reading a ton of other essentials. Try Hamlet, Macbeth, Othello, and a few of the comedies if you really want to dive into Shakespeare.

      Same thing with the bible, unless you are religious or studying it, read Gensis and the gospels and move on to something else unless you are inspired to read more.

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