September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hey everyone,

    Like many others, I made myself a New Years’ Resolution for 2024. On that list of hobbies I want to pick up was reading. I joined the r/52book challenge, hoping to read a book a week. Now it’s the Saturday of Week 3, and I haven’t gotten any reading done.

    Admittedly, this is at least partially my fault. I didn’t plan into the future during 2023, or make a list, or anything really. I just saw the challenge, decided it would be neat, and thought I’d figure it out as I went. And, to be fair, I have! I’ve read 2 books so far, *The Secret Garden* by Frances Hodgson Burnett and *A Christmas Carol* by Charles Dickens, which is a good start!

    But, this week, I got a lot of new stuff thrown on me. I’ve now had to get accustomed to a new schedule, and the only days I can really consider my own are Tuesday and Saturday, maybe Sunday, which, while very fortunate, is a marked difference from how I was living my life before. Now, don’t get me wrong, without divulging too much, please understand these new responsibilities are objectively good things for me, and my life will be better in the future than my past for me having to do these, but they’re just a lot. Which finally brings me to my questions!

    1. People who’ve had reading goals and then suddenly found themselves with a lot less time on their hands, what was the experience like? How did you manage?
    2. How do you deal with less energy for the things you want to do?
    3. What would you recommend I do going forward?

    My own understanding (and hope) is that eventually I’ll adapt to the amount of time I’ve got, and that my energy will just return soon enough. I plan on using the remaining days of January to plan for February, and then, hopefully I can hit the ground running and just keep that momentum. But, always best to ask from the people who’ve walked down the road, so I hope to hear back from you all soon!

    by SpaceshipMe


    1. just speed read 20 Doctor Suess books and then you can read what ever you want for half the year.

      Honestly though this seems like such a chore. you’re treating reading, something that should be fun and relaxing, like your behind on expense reports and have to catch up before the first quarter ends.

    2. IronFleshedAutomaton on

      1. I am a caregiver for my brother and mother. My brother being severely mentally disabled and my mom being in poor health, so I can often feel like I dont have much time to really sit down and focus on novels, my solution for those really busy days was just to read in bed. Yeah i may not make a lot of progress but its better than not reading at all. Also if i am feeling motivated I take Stephen King’s advice and take little sips of a book. Just reading a little bit at time and just carrying the book around with me.

      2. I really just try until I dont really care and just try again after rest. Sometimes I really dont have the energy but other times just starting really makes the rest come easier

      3. Just get used to reading when you can and not worry too much about challenges until you are able to have more free time

    3. I don’t always start reading in January ( I want to , it just doesn’t happen!) you’ll be amazed how many books you’ll get through in a year if you always have a book next to you. I read during the adverts when I’m watching tv, a couple of pages when I’m waiting for dinner to cook etc. I use a tab to mark my place. I isn’t ideal but it keeps the story going until I have time for a decent reading session. Don’t set the bar too high and relax.

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