July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Enemies to lovers is my favorite trop. My favorite genre is fantasy!

    If your looking to a recommendation here are some of my favorites (would not recommend if under 14)

    Powerless by Lauren Roberts

    Shatter me Series

    Daughter of the Pirate King Series (this might be okay for 12+)

    Ice Breaker

    by PrincessCupcakeGirl


    1. Nevernight series features a WLW relationship that goes Friends-> Enemies-> Lovers. it’s rather dark though.

      On the soft and fluffy side, This is How You Lose The Time War, more Scifi than Fantasy though.

    2. Have you read throne of glass series by Sarah J Maas? Or his fair assassin series by Robin Lafevre

    3. unlovelyladybartleby on

      Try the Freedom’s Landing series by Anne McCaffrey. It’s got mortal enemies to lovers, is funny, strong female MC. It’s aliens not dragons, but still a good read

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