September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hey there, thanks for taking the time 🙂

    So as a child and teenager I was quite the bookworm. Read a lot of Fantasy and Science Fiction novels, classics Like Harry Potter and so on.
    I stopped reading when I got into videogames more and more and now after quite a few years I really feel Like I could fall in love with books again…if I read the Right Books.

    So here we are, I hope to get some Nice Inspiration from you.

    As of now I am 25 years Old and still love a really well told and written Story.
    One of my favourites is Mortal Engines, Even though I only listened to it as a Audio Book.
    I already thought about getting into Dune and always wanted to read A Hitchickers Guide to the Galaxy, but maybe you have another really good recommendation for me.
    Currently I dont feel Like getting into heavy Fantasy (for example Lord of the Rings), but I really enjoy Fantasy Elements Like in Game of Thrones (which I have only Seen, not read).

    So, I Hope this gives you a feeling of what could fit and maybe you have a book you think I should try 🙂

    by Patforceone

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