September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    By “unconventional”, I mean someone who isn’t exactly supposed to be relatable. Because oftentimes, you will see main characters of books purposefully being relatable. That’s not the point of my question, I am asking about the opposite side of the coin

    For me, however stupid that sounds, but I have never found any book protagonist that would be relatable enough for me to call them similar to me. Then I read “The stranger”, and it was probably the first time I have ever felt that I relate to thoughts and processing of emotions of a character that isn’t supposed to be an antagonist, lol. Because it’s always antagonists that are portrayed to be logical, and unbothered, but then their characters are always wicked in the wrong way lol. When I finished “The stranger”, I couldn’t think of anything but how strongly I relate to him. Obviously I didn’t go to jail and neither I plan on just doing whatever because I feel like it. But, the way he thinks; how everything is indifferent, how he cannot ever make up his mind, how when he is honest, he says unsatisfying, blunt things because he literally couldn’t actually make himself care. The entire not crying at his own mother’s funeral even though he didn’t have any grudges against her. The entire accusation of him being immoral and disgusting because he moved on so fast.

    Literally never thought that of all books, I would relate to him the most.

    What is a character that you strongly relate to, even though you never thought you would in the first place?

    by SevereFlorality

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