September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    This might be a weird request, but my mom is an immigrant and not that good at english. She has shown interest in learning english and reading a book which really brightened my morning.

    I want to fulfill her wish asap. Problem is, my fav genre is sci-fi (she hates it) and my reading level is significantly higher than hers so my collection will at best bore her and at worst annoy her into giving up.

    She really likes mystery and thriller books. But being in her 50s, the characters are probably not going to be very interesting if they are teens and in my experience, books targeted at high schoolers all have teen or young adult characters. I don’t really know what to recommend her and came here hoping you guys can suggest something worthwhile.

    by TheJpow


    1. *Everywhere That Mary Went*, and other books by Lisa Scottoline. They are thrillers written in a very straightforward style.

    2. Sad-Illustrator944 on

      I think any of the really popular writers like Sue Grafton, Janet Evanovich, or Stephen King would probably meet this criteria. They wrote/write massive best sellers, and I don’t think they get to that level without being very easy to read.

    3. Has she tried any Agatha Christie? The writing is typically not super hard, but the mysteries are about adults and super interesting.

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