September 2024
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    Is it really a red flag if you see this book on someone’s bookshelf?

    Is it worth reading or just a disturbing book of gore that isn’t necessary?

    I have read mixed reviews and curious to see what everyone thinks!

    by swaneyswan


    1. I’ve only read half the book myself, but I have seen the movie multiple times and it seems like they really stayed true to the book. I don’t think it’s a red flag for someone to like this book at all. It’s a red flag if they view the main character (or any of the characters really) as a hero of some sort or want to emulate him. But I think it’s an interesting look into the coke fueled world of Wall Street in the 80’s with everyone being mindless, self involved dickheads. It’s great satire, so if that’s your thing, then I think you may like it! Christian Bale did an incredible job in the movie!

    2. It’s not just the gore but the extreme sexism. Look up some feminist reviews of the book to understand why it’s considered so extreme. Most people just don’t get why it really crosses the line.

    3. I *only* consume feminist/liberal/pagan tear downs of hyper masculinity tropes. Books written explicitly to demonstrate how bad our culture has become:

      – Matrix
      – American Psycho
      – Killing Joke
      – Fight Club

      The are all so well written that *no one could possibly misinterpret the message and idolize the wrong person*


    4. TheShortWriter17 on

      The sexism, gore, and insanity of it wasn’t what made me hate this book. It was how utterly boring it was. I don’t need three chapters about musicians and their rise to fame. There might be a significance to them being there, but I found it so off topic and monotonous. Everything around the kills was so irritatingly slow. It took me about three months to finish. I should’ve DNF’d it, but I wanted to say I read it… a huge mistake that I need to work on for later “greats” in the future.

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