September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I recently read Poor Things by Alasdair Gray as I knew about the upcoming film adaptation. I didn’t know anything about the plot at all and I absolutely loved the book!

    I have yet to see the film (going tomorrow) but I just read an article in The Guardian that the film changes the setting to London. Glasgow was such a huge presence in the book so the fact they changed this concerns me. After finishing the book I thought the unique narrative structure would be hard to adapt, particularly the ending which I immensely enjoyed. I guess I’m worried the things I liked most won’t be present in the film?

    Has anyone read the book and seen the film? Is it a good adaptation?

    by Slow_Chemistry_2359


    1. coffin_flop_star on

      I haven’t read the book but I saw the movie and read a listened to a review of it afterwards. It sounds like the book is vastly different to the movie. I would still highly recommend watching the movie.

    2. The biggest change I felt was the ending of the movie. I do not want to spoil it, but the movie does go on for a bit after Bella returns to Alfie, and I think if I had not read the book already, the scenes with Alfie would habe felt kind of out of place. It is definitely more based on the book than a full adaptation of the book, but still an incredible movie and I loved it (I may be biased though, I am a huge Yorgos Lanthimos fan).

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