September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’ll start.

    I’m at the tail end of This Time Tomorrow by Emma Straub. I had about 50 pages to read when I woke up before I started work. I’m just towards the end of it, when I started getting emotional, so I had to set it down until I can fully envelop myself in the story instead of reading to complete before my work shift began.

    The book has come at an important time in my life. The main character is celebrating her 40th birthday at the start of it while I’m turning 39 in 2 months. She ends up being zipped back in time to celebrate her 16th birthday. In present day her father is sick and in the hospital, and when she’s 16 she gets to interact with her young and healthy dad. I’ve been going through a slight mid-life-crisis, if I’m being honest. Thinking about time. Thinking about my parents and their age. Wishing I could hang with my mom when she was my age, but also be the same I am now, if that makes sense?

    In any case, I can’t wait to get back to the story. Hope it doesn’t severely wreck me emotionally.

    by jellybelly326


    1. The essential Rumi extended version. It’s so profound I don’t want it to end. I’ve started rereading it a half dozen times but never seem to be able to finish it because I’m so enthralled by the first 3/4 of the book.

    2. The Shepherd‘s Crown by Terry Pratchett. I’ve read all Discworld books multiple times since I began TSC, and I still can’t bring myself to read the last 20 pages.

    3. I had some unexpected down time at work and I was reading Duncton Found by William Horwood and was getting extremely close to the end. But after the journey of this book, I knew I was going to cry so I put it down. I went home and slept (I was working nights at the time), woke up to an empty house, and finished reading it. I sobbed my eyes out. I’ve never cried so much from a book, or a movie, or any media I’ve consumed. Such an epic, destroying journey. I was very glad I didn’t finish it at work.

    4. AdmirablePumpkin9 on

      Harry Potter. I just stopped a few chapters before the end because I didn’t want it to be over. Don’t ask me why… I actually reread the whole book before finishing it.

    5. starborndreams on

      Honestly, Crescent City 2.

      I purposely put this on hold with 100 pages left because

      1. Sarah j Maas tends to have a whole bunch of shit happens in rhe last 100 pages.
      2. I know there’s a cliffhanger that I wouldn’t be able to just sit on and wait to read for two years.

      Crescent City 3 is released at rhe end of the month thankfully.

    6. MooMooTheDummy on

      Idk if there is a hell but maybe I’m in it because I swear 1/5 of the books I read while I’m so close to finishing it like 10-20 pages left something insane happens usually in our apartment. Like pure chaos such as everyone yelling their hands off at each other which I don’t care about but somehow they’ve involved me in the argument too while I have my headphones on so I look up finally and I’m being yelled at too. The arguments are always about something really stupid like someone ate someone else’s dessert they hid in the freezer, over who should take out the trash, who should make dinner (I can fix this one sometimes by declaring that it’s “fend for yourselves night!” But sometimes that turns into arguing who gets the last pizza pocket), sometimes it’s the dog causing problems also!, and many more dumb arguments.

      And to be completely clear no I don’t have children and no I don’t have a large family. It’s just my dad, my younger brother, and a dog. But somehow things always just happen when I’m so close to finishing so I must put it down then get back to it when peace has been restored.

      One time I was almost done with a book when a shooting happened (once close by and once when I was in elementary school in class during quiet time and so the school went into lock down and when that happens apparently it’s not appropriate to ask the teacher if she has a reading light), when there were police helicopters, and when there was an earthquake.

      I’m not joking just like clockwork I just finished my 5th book of the year 2 days ago and when I was almost done with it a giant argument broke out over who should take out the trash. And no it wasn’t regular trash it was recycling a whole bunch of boxes from when the dumb dumbs went to Costco the last 3 times.

    7. WorldlyAlbatross_Xo on

      The Golden Hour by Jeffery Ford.

      Not quite what you’re asking… I listened to it while at work and by the end I realized I didnt give the book the attention it deserved. So on the same day when I got home from work, I sat in my driveway, and replayed it from beginning to end. Some stories deserve your full and undivided attention, and this is 100% one of those stories for me.

      I listened to it on the Levar Burton podcast if anyone is interested.

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