July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Basically as title reads- I have never been a solid reader. I struggle with ADHD. A lot. Sitting still is something I have always struggled with. I often get discouraged while trying to read because I will go through a paragraph or page almost like I’m on auto-pilot. I’m reading the words but I struggle to retain them. I’ve read or attempted a handful of fiction novels but I can never fully engage. I’ve listened to The LOTR audio book- my favorite story/movie and it still was hard to hold my attention. I’ve been thinking about trying out some more literature. Maybe short stories or more words of thought. I’m older now- I’ve loved, I’ve felt loss, I’ve done some exploration and sat in some beautiful settings. Not so much reading fact but personal experience and personal thoughts. Not against poetry or short stories.

    by NateSpan

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