Wow. This was an emotional read. I’m currently grieving my own dad passing away in the hospital from cancer. The conversation Conor has with his mom at the end in the hospital where he speaks his truth really hit home. I wasn’t there to say goodbye when my dad passed, but I know if I was I would have had the same conversation with my dad that Conor had with his mom. It was therapeutic being able to imagine how things might have been if I was there.
In the few days before my dad passed, he was doing bad in the hospital and my whole family was anxious of what was going to happen. I relate so hard to Conor when he says he just wants the waiting and pain to be over. I felt SO GUILTY for wishing for things with my dad to be over but I couldn’t handle the emotions. The scene of Conor and the Monster where the Monster says “humans are complicated beasts” hit so hard.
The stories that are told were beautifully written and excellent parables for life. I cried almost through this whole book. People aren’t just good or bad, lying to ourselves is sometimes the only way we make it through things, and sometimes we become the monster when bottling up our emotions.
Highly recommend for anyone needing help to process grief.
by childish_catbino