September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Am I the weird one for feeling found family tropes in fictional books where characters have to constantly to prove their worth to belong isn’t found family at all?

    For example in Percy Jackson first series, aftee Percy arrives at camp half blood he gets builled a lot without anyone standing up for him. Yes there’s perks to being at camp half blood but the reason why I disliked the series is because he isn’t fighting for an accepting place. He’s going on trials _to_ be accepted. I never understood why he fought for camp half blood. It felt like he was forever stuck at school with people who didn’t really care for him except when he’s needed for glory (and him always chasing for it didn’t do anything for me) except with school it ends.

    It isn’t just PJ, a lot of books I read when it says found family makes me wary because it’s just a bunch of people who need therapy due to trauma treating each other badly and constantly demanding conformation of loyalty. It’s great when they’re exceptions but not a lot.

    by Lost-Yoghurt4111

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