September 2024
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    Hey guys 👋🏽

    Feel free to ignore if this is an annoying question (😅), but I was just wondering if you would recommend the Percy Jackson series for a someone who’s maybe a little older than the target audience.

    I never really got into it as a kid because the one time I tried to read the first book, my sister took it from me (it was her copy). I only ask if they’re worth getting into now because I’m 22 and don’t know if the books skew very “kiddish” or tackle more mature themes.

    That isn’t to say I won’t read the books even if they are geared towards kids, but I just wanted to get an idea.


    by Fair_Ad1291


    1. Wild_Preference_4624 on

      I’d say go for it! It’s not my favorite series personally, but I know lots of other people in their 20s who love them! They are kind of kiddish, but they do handle somewhat mature topics as well. I’m always in favor of adults reading middle grade books though, so I hope you do read them and really enjoy!

    2. Princess-Reader on

      I’m REALLY old and I 1st read Percy about 3 years ago. In fact, I often read YA novels.

    3. Yes! The original series is fantastic. I also enjoyed the sequel series, though not quite as much. He has several spinoff series as well that were just ok imo.

    4. JadedArmadillo6825 on

      I’m 35 and just started them last year. I know they’re for younger people but I loved them. They just kept getting better and I thought they were a nice easy read. I finished Trials of Apollo not too long ago and it was my favourite! I say go for it.

    5. I read the first 3 and I’m older than you. I like the first two the 3rd not so much. A lot of Y A stuff is good my kid reads it and I like reading some to keep up on what she likes.

    6. I read them as an adult and enjoyed them. I am a fan of a lot of YA series. I say if you are curious, heck yes you should. Worse that can happen is its a DNF.

    7. Im 35 and like YA as audiobooks. I prefer more mature paper books but when it’s audio it’s nice to just have an entertaining story that’s easy to follow and fun to get sucked in to while I work.

    8. I read the first one with my son when I was in my 30s. It was an ok read as an adult. He loved it, and has read every one since. I didn’t continue with the series.

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