July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hello! I’ve been looking to get into reading a bit more as a hobby as of late, but I’ve always struggled with enjoying reading. I seem to have a bit too much of a hyperactive brain to stay focused on the content as I read, and when that’s paired with all those years of ‘forced/required’ reading from public school, it has left me with so much disdain for the whole concept.

    **Example of What I Am Not Looking For:**

    What I’ve learned about myself over the years is that I love excellent plots in movies, but I don’t enjoy books with extreme scenery setting and character development because I seem to always want to rush to the plot. I think the issue I have is that a book can’t set a scene in the same way as a movie… Meaning I visually/audibly get so much information to build the scene and characters in such a short amount of time in a movie, that I can really focus on the plot line, which I prefer. I know that’s what makes books so much better for most people, but it really ruins it for me because it causes my mind to wander while my eyes continue reading. It’s incredibly frustrating and discouraging.

    **What I Think I’m Interested In:**

    With that said, I have started to realize I enjoy reading more NON-fiction, more article based, types of things. So what I’m hoping this subreddit can help me with is providing me with a list of books I may like to help ease me into this wonderful hobby.
    Things I’m interested in would be philosophy, psychology, engineering… maybe anything thought provoking like that. Or if there are any books that are very interesting autobiographies of someone from history, that might be of interest to me too. The only problem is that I’ve never been a big history type of guy, so I don’t really want to get too much in the history weeds.

    Any suggestions would be so appreciated… And if you can think of any better, probing, questions to possibly help the suggestions flow a little better, please ask away! I’ll try to answer as much as I can.

    I really appreciate your time!!

    by Lanhorn9

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