September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Obviously, recent events have sparked this request. As that region is one of the biggest flash points in current international politics, I feel that I should be more literate on the history and reasons for the conflict. I am woefully ignorant of it.

    I would greatly appreciate any recommendations, perhaps starting with some “overview” books then books that go into more depth.


    by imperator_aurelius


    1. Just google Palastine conflict history

      Basically expleed from europe jewish settlers started to come in to palastine before 1948 , and on 1948 they started an ethic cleasing and destruction of palstenians and their houses and gained more land etc , up to date , ofcourse Palastenians are still living their under the opression and want to fight for their land back. Always remeber that the whole middle east are Arabs and Muslims so the arabs are mad that foreigners took their land

    2. Joe Sacco’s journalistic graphic novel *Palestine* is a good intro and slice-of-life covering his time in the West Bank and Gaza in the early 90’s. He lives with and interviews a lot of residents there and also goes over the historical circumstances that led to that point, and as a graphic novel it’s easy to digest if not exactly ‘enjoyable.’ It’s a heavy subject as you might expect.

      Someone else might be able to recommend a similar book with a more ‘two-sided’ approach, but frankly I think this serves as a good reminder of the human impact on the ground vs. the kind of sterile language in the media.

    3. As long as you’re avoiding anything touted by anti-defamation league, those fuckers are evil. Also anything that’s pro-IDF is a lie, those fuckers are evil too. Plus anything that is pro-zionism, just evil shit. It’s bad enough the USA gives Israel a bunch of our tax money for no reason other than having an ally. I have a book recommendation, I just can’t find it at the moment. Visit []( for more info.

    4. dontreallyneedaname- on

      Can We Talk About Israel? By Sokatch

      It really helped me get a better understanding.

    5. Odd-Examination7475 on

      The Hundred Years’ War on Palestine: A History of Settler Colonialism and Resistance, 1917–2017

    6. Someone said Joe Socco, I’ll drop two books are common recommendations if dense:

      *The Hundred Years’ War* on Palestine by Rashid Khalidi

      *The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine* by Ilan Pappe

      I do think there’s value in grabbing any run of the mill Israeli history book after these, not because there’s any kind of even “both sides” in a situation like this but just to understand how perpetrators of atrocities tell their own story, what they say, what they don’t, and the “official” history their citizens know

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