September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’ve got a lot of books on my TBR pile, and a few books that I probably never will read. I’ve found that a fun way to start reading some of these books is by opening to a random page and starting from there. It feels like accidentally bumping into someone or eavesdropping on their conversation, and it’s an interesting alternative to gradually being introduced to the story.

    Obviously I don’t always do this, and it’s more difficult to pull off with certain novels, but when days are busy and patience is low, it’s a good tactic for getting myself to read a bit.

    by thinkinboutsharks


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    2. that is how I test a book to see if it’s any good – pick a page at random and read the first paragraph my finger falls on. My theory is if a book is any good, a random paragraph should be interesting and intriguing in-and-of itself

    3. No_Dragonfruit_3424 on

      My friends father does this, he will read the ending first. I have never recovered from when he told me this.

    4. diogenes_shadow on

      I had a friend pick up a book called “The Dog Who Wouldn’t Be” and start in the middle because dog books have sad endings when the dog dies at the end.

      Read to end, dog dies, sad, but then start on page 1 and read about puppy times.

      It actually makes sense for dog books.

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