September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Have you ever watched a movie or read a book that during the time you read or watched or listened the experienced, a moment that you were so overwhelmed with it you were so involved and overcome with emotion you were overcome with the protagonist and the damsel in distress!, and at the end they were together they overcome all the odds and left you with this warm squishy, feeling that she felt ahhhhh this feels good. Then the movie ends, credits roll or song fades out and you required to go back to your life after the movie, book or song that brought you to a point where you completely forgot your own existence. There is a silence of you trying to cope with reality. You have to come to terms that what you just witnessed or saw or read was a complete farce, and now you have to step into your own shoes and try and cope with your own surroundings. It all comes crashing . The realization that life is awaiting you. One that involves going to work taking care of the children. How can I pay for daycare? Am I going to be able to afford my mortgage this month but for a brief moment, what time do I work tomorrow…all was forgotten but for the briefest of the moments. You were able to escape the hard, dirty nastiness that is our day-to-day if not just for a moment. The real question is, did this change your mind on how you want to live your life from what you experienced. How are you going to move forward. What is important to you……

    by Frosty_Succotash_735


    1. I felt that way after the first Avatar movie.
      I bunch of coworkers decided to go see the movie, and they dragged me along with them. I had heard about the movie, but I hadn’t made any plans to go see it. After that night, it was difficult leaving the theatre, much less getting any sleep that night. All I could think about was that movie. That movie was the last time, I walked in to movie, not having read any reviews about it before hand, or read the synopsis. I just went in, and watched the movie.

    2. Frosty_Succotash_735 on

      What’s your Overall view of the movie? was it good? Was it bad? How did you feel at the end?

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