September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    As the title states why should I read this book/ series.

    I’ve recently finished Sanderson’s major series mistborn, stormlight, and a few of his stand alone books.

    Also just finished the first 3 Fitz books by Robin Hobb as well as the first 2 live ship trader books.

    Just for a little change I picked up the first book in the Malazan series “gardens of the moon” as I’ve seen it mentioned as one of the greatest all time fantasy series.

    I listen using audiobooks while at work, and I don’t understand why this series is so highly recommended.

    I am 2.5 hours into the book and currently could not name 1 character or tell you a single plot point.

    Characters are introduced with 0 explanation or back story and talk about people and events I have no context for , and without any explanation as to their significance.

    It feels like I am starting on the second book of a series and the novel is discussing already established characters and events.

    I actually stopped listening to check I didn’t accidentally get the 2nd book in the series.

    What am I missing, because like I said I’m 2.5 hours into the first book and could not tell you a single piece of information about the characters or plot.

    I know I’ve been introduced to a number of people in the world but I couldn’t name a single one as I have been given no reason to remember or care about any. So far every character feels about as important as a barkeep mentioned by name a single time and never talked about again in any other series.

    I’ve found that it can be difficult switching series as I’m used to a certain style and it takes some time to get to know a new set of characters, especially using the audiobook format as hearing a lot of new / unfamiliar character and place names can be tough to keep straight.

    I don’t care if their is a bit of mystery, but how long do I need to stick with this series before I at least know who the main characters are and have some idea why I should care about them.

    by sooojew

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