July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’m looking for a book or series about survival and/or apocalyptic kind of story line. One of my favorite video games of all time is The Last of Us and I’ve always wondered if there’s any books similar to that. Im open to any survival/apocalyptic types of books and don’t mind if it’s fiction or non-fiction. Any suggestions are appreciated. Thanks!!

    by alewis75


    1. The Girl With All The Gifts
      The Passage by Justin Cronin
      Wool by Hugh Howey
      The Stand by Stephen King
      Swan Song by Robert McGammon

    2. BeardInTheDark on

      Black Tide Rising series – Biowarfare causes a 28-days-later scenario and survivors take to the boats to wait for things to die down.

    3. This leans YA but the “5th Wave” trilogy by Rick Yancey is about teens surviving an apocalypse/alien invasion/military coup. It’s quite good and there’s a movie too, although I think the books were a lot better.

    4. Wyrmrot by Stephanie Saige. It’s an indie sci-fi book with lots of survival/adventure in a post-apocalyptic world.

    5. Wold and Iron by Gordon R Dickson

      Set in a near future, a scientist survives the collapse of civilization and learns to survive

      It’s way better than it sounds and is a fascinating look at “what could happen”

    6. Thanks for the recommendations everyone! I wish I could read them all at once but I decided to start with Wool. One day I’ll get around to reading all of these

    7. *The Sun Is a Compass: A 4,000-Mile Journey into the Alaskan Wilds* –Caroline Van Hemert

      *Dark Harvest* –Will Jordan

    8. CountryRoadTakMeHome on

      If you’re looking for a more depressing post-apocalypse book, ‘The Road’ is amazing. It features a Father-Son duo trying to survive in a harsh world.

      ‘The girl with all the gifts’ is also really good! It shares a few similarities to TLOU (MC is a young girl that the scientists are trying to use to find a cure to a cordyceps disease)

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