July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi everyone! I’ve tried to be a reader my whole life, but only recently found a series that I’m wholly invested in and truly feel in my bones. I’ve never experienced the emotional connection to books like people have mentioned before, but I understand entirely what they mean now.

    My question is… when your whole soul is invested into these books and characters and places… how do you learn to separate it from real life? How do you get it to not affect your day-to-day? I keep telling myself that it’s only a book, but I find myself longing constantly for a world that doesn’t actually exist. I don’t want to be hit with a wave of grief every time I realize that none of it is real, and as a new reader it’s a first-time experience for me. I LOVE the escape from reality, but when I’m done, I’m just disappointed to be back in the real world. Does this happen to everyone? Will I grow out of it as I read more?

    by anxiety-otter

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