November 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I recently broke up with my gf of 4 years I am only 20 so it means alot(She was constantly lying and prioritising other people when I confronted her I get yeeled at for being toxic). I have read books from Charles Bukowski. Are there any other books you woud recommend to get over a break up and not care anymore to stop seing her like a unicorn. Thank you in advanced

    by linuxition


    1. Moon Palace by Paul Auster

      The goal is not to stop caring, but realize that you can start over any time you want

    2. I tried looking for everything that would make me stop caring but once i realized if i stop judging myself i stopped judging others and i completely stopped caring about anything unrelated to positively benefiting myself and those around me 🙂 hope that helps and stay strong dude life is just getting started! However i know “the art of not giving a f*ck” has a claim to fame for supposedly helping a lot of people with that but i have not read it myself but own it 👍good luck!

    3. I know you’re hurting right now, and we’ve all been there, but your post does not read like someone who is looking for a book recommendation. It reads like someone who is looking for sympathy. For that, there are different subreddits. There are friends and family. There is therapy. You should be looking for those spaces to let out those feelings, where people are already feeling open and willing to help you with your mental state. Reaching out on a sub that is not meant for it just makes people feel ambushed and uncomfortable.

      I’m sure you will get sympathy on this thread, because people are kind. But just know that this was kinda uncool.

      The only thing that will help you through your situation is time. In that time, you should be reading things that make you feel good about yourself or distract you in a positive way. Not things that make you feel bad about others or affirm your worst tendencies. That’s how incels and neckbeards are born.

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