September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I am currently re-reading American Tabloid by James Elroy. I think it’s by far his best book; it’s visceral, amoral and it tells the story of the Bay of Pigs, and Kennedy’s election and assassination in an original (and gonzo) way.

    At the same time I caught some of Jack Reacher on Amazon Prime – I had read one of those books in an airport about a decade ago (not really my thing).

    I was struck by how similar Big Pete Bondurant, the Shakedown King is to Jack Reacher. Both about 6’5 and unusually violent and strong. Not sure who was created first. But I couldn’t help wondering what would happen if these 2 fictional characters met each other; Big Pete has a moral compass but it’s very flexible, so Reacher would be on the side of righteousness. The fight would have to be inconclusive because they’re both like a mirror image of each other physically, despite Big Pete’s smoking and drinking habits.

    Anyway, apologies for such an inane post.

    by scrjim

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