July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    After years on my to read pile I’ve finally finished the classic Oliver twist.

    In retrospect I have a question over monks involvement and the deal he had with Fagin.
    As it’s a classic maybe someone can remember some details and answer my question.

    Monks is first introduced in chapter 26 after the failed robbery where he talks with Fagin and is (not revealed yet) spied on by Nancy.

    In that chapter it is established that their deal to compromise Oliver morals making him a criminal is already established.

    How or when did that plan however occur?

    Oliver was brought in by Dodger. But it’s unlikely that that was arranged and planned by Monks as there would be a rather small timeframe of monks locating oliver after he run away, making the plan with Fagin and have enough time to intercept him.

    How did he know then that Oliver was with Fagin and when did they put their own into action?

    by Vakulum

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