July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I usually read during this time, but since I finished Frankenstein yesterday, and have been left utterly destroyed within – alongside a miserable countenance – I will instead write a mini appreciation thread/review.

    Wow. This book. It made me love stories again, it made me love reading again. I have not had this much fun reading in a long, long time.

    It reminded me of how reading books used to be back when I started – being absorbed into the world, the characters, the stories.

    Usually, that meant magic, humour, long fights/duels, and extensive worldbuilding in Fantasy books.

    This time, I was absorbed in the themes, morals, the struggles and sufferings of Mr. Frankenstein and his monster. Their rise and fall, the contemplations, choices, observations, and eventually their eternal hatred for each other. No, words cannot describe it.

    I felt both of their pains. I rooted for Frankenstein, and then I hated him. I rooted for the monster, and then I hated him. And then I felt bad for both. And then, I cried for both.

    Never has a book broken me like that after an ending.

    It was the right book at the right time. The nature of life, death, vices, virtues, the darkness, and the light of humanity – our ability to be harbingers of both good and evil.

    ”Life is neither good or evil, but only a place for good and evil.”

    \-Marcus Aurelius.

    by Wiizardii

    1 Comment

    1. drunk_and_orderly on

      I just recently read this for the first time! Couldn’t believe it took me so long. It was quite intense and I can only imagine what people felt when reading it for the first time back when it first came out.

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