September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I posted this because the Bronte sisters,especially Emily and Wuthering Heights,as well as Flannery O’Connor have gotten me through a number of very difficult and painful times over the past half-dozen years or so.I have been able to see my own problems and sorrows transmuted thru the talents of a pair of authors whose creativity has gotten me deeper in touch with myself and my inner demons.For me the arts,especially literature,are often like a form of psychotherapy and,while I do not have any talent for fiction myself,I have found that finding the “right” author or authors to match my temperament and reading their stuff is a CATHARSIS.For me,those right authors are Emily Bronte and Flannery O’Connor.I was just wondering if there are any kindred spirits out there who these 2 brilliant and beautiful female writers have touched the hearts of.Any comments or thoughts are welcome.

    by Different_Program415


    1. What about them did you especially like? I happened to read both Wuthering Heights and Wise Blood in the past year and both of then left me thinking WTF? Also, I don’t really see much of a connection between the two. So, if they are cathartic for you, why? I’m truly curious as I never found a box in my head to place both of those books. I still plan on tackling O’Connor’s short stories but Wise Blood was pretty out there. It’s supposedly meant to be some sort of Christian allegory or metaphor but on that level I guess I didn’t really get it.

      EDIT: typo

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