September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I think I just hit a record with Scythe (sorry I know a lot of people like it) and DNF during the second chapter. I can’t get over the logic of how people are picked to die.

    I think most books I commit to at least 100 or so pages before I decide I hate it, so this one really stuck out to me as my most immediate nope so I’m curious for others-

    What’s your fastest and what made you decide so quickly?

    by AgreeableSuspect7172


    1. Cari Mora

      I think I did two chapters, realized I had stink-face, flipped about thirty pages down, read a little, flipped another thirty-ish, read a page, then put it down and there it lays where I put it months ago.

      Cannot believe the guy who made Silence of the Lambs wrote that…

    2. Otherwise-Public-959 on

      Untamed by Glennon Doyle. Its blurb promises “an intimate memoir and a galvanizing wake-up call. It is the story of how one woman learned that a responsible mother is not one who slowly dies for her children, but one who shows them how to fully live. ”

      Within the first several pages she tries to claim her daughter *did not know what “thinking” is.*

      I’m not joking. I typed it out in my reading log, because I had to listen to the audiobook passage three times to make sure I had it right and I felt my IQ dropping every time.

      >’Or it could be the shower’s the only place you’re not plugged in, so you can hear your own thoughts in there.
      >’She [daughter] looked at me and said ‘hu?’
      >’That thing that happens to you in the shower babe. It’s called ‘thinking’ it’s something folks did before google. Thinking is like, it’s like googling your own brain.’
      >’Oh’ She said, ‘Cool’

      This book is just one big post on facebook where someone brags about conversations they never had in order to make themselves look smart.

    3. CarcosaJuggalo on

      The Crow Girl by Eric Axl Sund.

      I won’t say its a bad book, but it has some pretty explicit scenes with sexual abuse and drug use (specifically, a character has a problem with huffing glue). 90 pages in, I decided it was just a little more graphic than I wanted to read.

      A Spell for Chameleon by Piers Anthony was also pretty quickly dropped for me. I hadn’t read his stuff before, but this cute fantasy story focused on puns and rhymes kept giving off creepy, rapey vibes. I eventually looked the author up… and, he constantly writes about rape.

    4. seattle_architect on

      Ready player one.

      I was done after 2 chapters. Very specific cultural experience that is not mine.

    5. SomeBodyElectric on

      Pet Semetary. Knew the general plot and couldn’t handle it when he started describing the highway.

    6. A court of thorns and roses.

      I gave it a few chapters and could tell where it was going and thought it wasn’t for me. Read the wiki and felt justified.

    7. Ironskin I just rage finished reading The Smoke Thief, which made me recognize and hate romance novels. I chose the book because I wanted to try Steam Punk out. Less than 40 pages, I realized it was yet another romance novel disguised as a fantasy novel, and I was not going to read another one of those.

      For the love of God if you are publishing a romance novel in a fantasy setting, please make it obvious.

    8. Tender is the Flesh.

      If I wanted to read something disturbing about chattel slavery, I’d pick up a history book.

    9. Sapiens – Just couldn’t get fully into it. It was interesting don’t get me wrong but parts seemed really drawn out? I put it down for a couple months then picked it back up last week just to finish it.

    10. preaching-to-pervert on

      The Troop. I thought it was one of the most badly-written novels I’ve ever attempted and tossed it after a couple of chapters.

    11. The Flight Attendant.

      I read one page, it was formatted as huge blocks of text, did a quick scan through the book and saw it was similar throughout. .

      . . Formatting is very important to my brain.

    12. Live-Drummer-9801 on

      Vicious Circle by Wilbur Smith. I only made it to 30 pages because I thought I would read that many pages to see if it improved.

    13. Nevernight by Jay Kristoff. I got 2 pages in and immediately gave it to my gf. I’d never heard of Kristoff at this point and saw vampire assassin academy and thought it’d be dope! But nope, just another smut book.

    14. Controversial Take: *Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Rings*

      I just could not get past the dry af dissertation on hobbit culture at the beginning of the book.

    15. Immediate-Lake371 on

      The Poppy War by RF Kuang after 2 pages in, I believe. I picked it up while in a bookstore, expected some epic fantasy and a really nice intro for it and put down after few seconds. Even the first line to the whole book read like a generic YA starter and I was just so not there for it at the time. 

    16. Fourth Wing. After establishing that the setting is a high stakes, life changing, high mortality scenario, the MC trots into it with all the gravitas of being late for a high school math class.

    17. CaptainColdSteele on

      Foundation. Something about how it kept jumping from new character to new character with a vast amount of time between them was hard for me to follow for some reason. I’d heard great things about it but I couldn’t get past page 20

    18. This is how you lose the time war. 

      I swear to god, I have no idea what people see there. It felt like a myspace blog post of a teenager trying to mention deep topics in passing to show off. 

      Not saying it’s bad because It clearly connected with many, but there’s something about It that does not click for me at all. 

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