Hello. Can anyone recommend me a book with a romance plot that follows the below story beats? Could be romance genre, or another genre that has a romance in it. I prefer M/M but also enjoy M/F and F/F.
\-Character A is any one or many of the following traits: noble, caretaker, calm, “heart of gold”, strong, possibly has a dark past, protective
\-Character B is one or many of the following: mentally or physically scarred, was abused or tortured, had a dark past, running from something/someone, needs protection, anxious, in pain, in recovery, in a bad situation, needs rescuing
\-Character A must sacrifice something or gets seriously hurt or put in danger or gets in trouble with law or gives up self to protect Character B
\-Character B must struggle but eventually succeeds to overcome damage (mental or physical), fear, adversities, etc, to in turn save, help, or protect Character A
\-Happy ending with both ending up together OR tragic ending with just one of them dying (preferably Character A)
Thank you!
by vaporwavoreon
1 Comment
I think A Marvellous Light by Freya Marske would be right up your alley