September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I have been waiting to read Nightbitch By Rachel Yoder for quite a while, but once I finally got it from the library and started reading it, I’m finding myself really not enjoying the writing style. I’m about 50 pages in and I really dislike Yoder’s style of narration. I understand that it’s about the main character’s psychological journey and that it’s mostly her stream for consciousness, but I don’t like reading it. I very rarely leave books unfinished, but in Nightbitch’s case I might just make an exception. Have you ever left books unread because you couldn’t get on board with the writing style. Is Nightbitch still worth it?

    by korengo


    1. I couldn’t read Something Wicked This Way Comes. It was hard to understand and frankly I thought it was boring. I know it’s a popular book, but I wanted something fun and Halloween-y

    2. that’s like the only reason I stop reading a book. good writing can make essentially any subject matter a pleasure to read but good subject matter doesn’t save bad writing, at least for me.

      Recently I stopped reading Masters of Djinn because of this; it’s just not what was advertised to me in style or subject matter. Also recently stopped reading Baron of the Trees, I think this one may be because of the translation though.

    3. Terry Pratchett bounces right off me. I can’t stand his style at all. Reminds me of lolxd so random humor with the incredibly forced attempts at being witty and ironic.

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