October 2024
    M T W T F S S

    To be honest I think as bizzare as the final book seems, it fits well if you look at the entire series as whole. I also found it weird when I first read the books like a horror/mystery flick. But when you ponder the concepts the author builds his universe upon, it actually makes sense. On my second readling I viewed it through a more philosophical lens.

    >!The dominant concept is almost biblical. Thoughts become flesh. Like word(thoughts) became flesh. The idea that our being/soul is intertwined with our organic body through the energy of thought. Electromagnetic waves. As if we were organic media devices. And while in this universe ghosts don’t exist in the classic sense, a person’s thoughts/energy linger and cause effect post-mortem. They also carry the code for our physican form which it can then rewrite itself through electromagnetic waves. Seemingly not all individuals are gifted enough to pull that off, but Sadako is. She consciously manipulates these waves and makes them into flesh. Word became flesh.!<

    >!The final book also ticked me off at first, because the “it’s all a simulation” idea seems like an over the top twist. However, it builds upon this concept of word becoming flesh. Since this simulation run on supercomputers, which exists only as a virtual medium(word), spawned a virus which transferred into the physical(flesh) world through the test subjects of this experiment.!<

    >!The virus and the DNA are also dominant concepts in this series. Although viri are made up of molecules and do have a physical form, they aren’t alive. They don’t have a living physical body, they are lifeless vesself of information, the genetic code. They need a host to give this information a form of a living manifestation. Their word becomes flesh.!<

    Also throughout the series we are given insight into characters trains of thought. And how the subtle stirs within their subconscious flowed within the story(simulation) as if attached to karmic strings.

    by hecklerof

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