September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Apologies in advance, I am not entirely sure how to word this one.

    What ratio do you try to read fiction and non-fiction? I am trying to read a little philosophy and other various non-fiction works to broaden my mind and learn stuff. How long does it take you to get though one, and do you read one book at a time? If not, how do you decide to pick up a non-fiction book, especially after a long day and only want to relax? Finally, are there any tricks that you have for taking in as much information as possible, and finding a good balance between the two?

    Thanks in advance, I have just been somewhat intimidated by picking up and committing to some seriously tough literature of historical and philosophical subjects, especially when I have to read so much for my degree.

    by MangoGoat2408


    1. I’m not actively trying to read more of any, as I think I have a decent balance (70% fiction and 30% non-fiction), but I also think I “read” more non-ficion via audiobooks. I haven’t calculated the percentage, but it feels like that’s been easier for me personally.

    2. 90% fiction, 10% non fiction – I’m a sociologist and even if I do another job for a living it’s still one of my main interests. This means roughly 80 novels and 10 scientific essays in my field (plus some shorter paper here and there) per year.

      >How long does it take you to get though one

      A little more than a novel of comparable length.

      >do you read one book at a time?

      If it’s an essay I’m reading I don’t read another essay at the same time: I need to focus. If it’s a novel I can read other things at the same time, including an essay. I always have 3 or 4 books ongoing on my “reading shelf” to pick up when I feel like shaking things up a bit.

      >how do you decide to pick up a non-fiction book, especially after a long day and only want to relax?

      I find studying relaxing!

      >are there any tricks that you have for taking in as much information as possible, and finding a good balance between the two?

      Errrr… I fear not. I just read what strikes my fancy/are curious about. Rather fast, I’ll admit it, but that’s it.

    3. I almost always read fiction; I feel like I am already hearing enough non-fiction stories in real life.

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