September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    A book would give you prospectives and help you to move on and get how to face and deal with pain and everything the whole package and let go everything to focus on yourself and life

    Because if you focus on yourself and heal you might meet more interesting people in the future also not compare your ex with potential future partners

    by Single-Sound-1865


    1. Mission_Issue438 on

      Grief Recovery Handbook by John W. James and Tussell Friedman.
      Although it is about any type of loss that you need to learn to grieve including death or the loss of relationships, it comes with a lot of stories and examples, explanations on why we feel the way we feel, how our belief of getting over traumatic experiences and loss has been taught in an unhealthy way since childhood, and also practical tips/exercises to help you come to term with your grief, what that relationship and its loss meant to you and find closure on your own.
      I really liked it, hope it helps.

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