July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi there! I used to read a ton of books in elementary school and middle school – but as a current junior in highschool, I’ve noticed that my reading comprehension and attention span while reading has become a lot worse lately. Does anyone have some good book suggestions that can get me back into reading? I also want to rid myself of using my phone too much, and reading a book seems like the perfect way to do this!

    If it helps, some books/series I’ve read in the past that I really loved include(s)

    \- Funjungle series

    \- Harry Potter/Percy Jackson series (actually read all the percy jackson books like 3 times by now lol)

    \- Delirium series + Divergent as well

    \- Hunger Games

    So a lot of dystopian, but I’ve also read some fantasy stuff too like the false prince. 1984, ready player one, etc. Thank you!

    by Sad_Potato-_-


    1. PopularFunction5202 on

      You might enjoy these:

      The Nevermoor series by Jessica Townsend. Currently 3 books, book 4 out next fall. I LOVE this series!

      The Mystwick School of Musicraft and its sequel, The Midnight Orchestra, by Jessica Khoury. If you have Audible, there is a pre-Mystwick audiobook, pretty short, called Camp Cacophony, which is how I got into the series.

      Cece Rios and The Desert of Souls with its sequel, Cece Rios and the King of Fears (book 3 coming in March, I believe), by Kaela Rivera, is also an enjoyable series.

      Finally, although I’ve never read them, a lot of my students (I teach high school) who read enjoy Keeper of the Lost Cities series (not sure who its by).

      Happy reading!



    2. I’ve started reading Ellen Hopkins books and love them! I really liked the Crank trilogy

    3. LimitlessMegan on

      Have you read any of the other Rick Riordan books? I like the Apollo series as a follow up to Percy.

      Also, I’m an adult with ADHD and when my attention span is low comic and graphic novels or manga are a great bridge for me to keep reading.

    4. Mobile_Seesaw_1596 on

      Try out Witching Souls: Fire and Air by Maeve Lindley

      It’s free webnovel/e-book. If you loved Harry Potter and percy Jackson you may like it.

    5. Confident-Basil5025 on

      Scythe by Neal Shusterman

      Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury

      Magnus Chase

      The Trials of Apollo

      The Heroes of Olympus

      Aru Shah and the end of time

      The Kane Chronicles

      The 39 clues Series

      Artemis Fowl Series

      Wings of Fire Series

      Tristan Strong Punches a Hole in the Sky

      Demigod Diaries

      Legend by Marie Lu

      Hope you enjoy the books. Happy reading!!!

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