September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    i’m looking for an adult fiction book with themes of childhood trauma and feminine rage. ideally, a book without a main love interest, or if there is a love interest, preferably another woman.
    i’m looking for something dark and gritty. painful, even. i want to either feel like i’ve learned something or be so absolutely depressed at the end.
    any recs?

    by luraler0616


    1. Beloved by Toni Morrison for sure. Thank me later.

      An enslaved mother murders her child to save her from a violent slave owner but the daughter returns eighteen years later as a semi-ghost.

      One of the great books of all time.

    2. Possibly Sorrow and Bliss, but she does marry twice, but it is about her life long mental health journey and a childhood reveal.

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