September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    After having fallen severral times into the “tiktok made me buy it” trap and ended up reading absolute terribly written drivel, I’m wondering which blogs/authors or lists online do you trust for your recommendations?

    I’ve realised both NYT and Goodreads (my sources lol) are driven by sales and sales mean very little if it goes viral on tiktok.

    I try to do a mix of classics and new releases but I’ve spent too much money lately on books that turned out to be crap.
    I like to get recs from my friends etc but we all have very different tastes so there’s usually little to share.

    by Cocasseries

    1 Comment

    1. Honestly I would say go to a library and pick out a book that catches your eye. Ideally something that you’ve never heard of. You might find something good.

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